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Updated: 3 min 58 sec ago

NASA unveils probe bound for Jupiter's possibly life-sustaining moon

US space scientists unveil Nasa's mission to investigate Jupiter's moon Europa for signs of alien life. The spacecraft Clipper, set for launch in October, aims to study Europa's icy surface and assess habitable conditions. Despite challenges, scientists are optimistic about discovering potential life beyond Earth.

'Nasa spacecraft snaps mysterious 'surfboard' orbiting Moon'

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured images of South Korea's lunar orbiter, Danuri, resembling a surfboard near the moon. The unique encounter between the two spacecraft occurred as they orbited in parallel paths, with Danuri looking elongated due to speed differences. Danuri, the first Korean spacecraft in lunar orbit, appeared 'smeared to 10 times its size' due to camera specifications.
