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Updated: 59 min 24 sec ago

How cloud seeding boosts rainfall — and why that’s controversial

Decades ago, humans began employing chemicals to enhance clouds' ability to produce rain and snow, a practice that is increasingly relevant as climate change exacerbates heat and dryness in certain areas. While embraced in countries like the US and the United Arab Emirates, cloud seeding remains contentious due to potential unintended outcomes such as excessive precipitation or heightened pollution levels.

Queen bumblebees surprise scientists by surviving underwater

Bumblebees can surprisingly withstand days underwater, according to a study published Wednesday, suggesting they could withstand increased floods brought on by climate change that threaten their winter hibernation burrows. Researchers placed 143 hibernating queen bumblebees in tubes -- some with no water as a comparative group, some floating in water and some fully submerged using a plunger for a period ranging from eight hours to seven days, according to the study published in the journal Biology Letters.

Genome study reveals prehistoric Ethiopian origins of coffee

Research unlocked the genome of Coffea arabica, revealing its ancient Ethiopian forest origins. Led by experts like Victor Albert and Patrick Descombes, the study emphasized the importance of disease-resistant breeding for Arabica coffee varieties.

Facing financial pressure, Nasa calls for innovative proposals to bring Mars rocks back sooner, cheaper

Nasa reevaluates Mars mission due to budget cuts, seeking cost-effective approach. Administrator highlights urgency for solutions. Perseverance rover collects 24 core samples at Jezero Crater. Independent review criticizes mission. China advances Mars sample return.
